A review by sachreadsbooks
Angel Unseen by J. Bree



Although the plotline seems alright, I think there are some missing parts.

First, I felt like the plot was made of bits a pieces that aren't all connected together. I felt like the story wasn't like a river flowing you got caught up into, but more like a stuttering speech you desperately tried to understand, but again, maybe it is just me.

Moslty, I stuggled with the characters: I thought they weren't precisely introduced and therefore had troubles understanding what was happening, who was speaking, why were some characters reacting a certain way towards others.

Nevertheless,I enjoyed the character development we could see, how both characters realise they are falling for each other, even if it borders on Stockholm syndrom - which is a plot I'm a bit uncomfortable with, but that's only on me. I thought the blatant lack of respect quite hurtful and therefore struggle with Angel's decisions of pleasing him, and Tomi's constant blaming of Angel because he couldn't keep far from her had started to anger me quite a bit, and the fact that he was constantly angry was heavy on the plot; but I really was thankful for the character development and seeing him change his mind slowly. Which is why I didn't stop reading the book until I got some of the character development because otherwise I was just disappointed towards a book I looked forward to.

If this review offends anyone, please pardon me - this is not in anyway a professional review, just my opinion on this book as a romance reader.
I am not by any means saying this book is hard, I understand it was made from many hours of work and I don't want to deter anyone, it is just what I thought and again, I might be wrong or missing things - and am deeply sorry if I am.