A review by grillikissa
The Year of the Hare by Arto Paasilinna


Pick up a hare, abandon everything you ever knew and start wandering around whilst accidentally committing capital offenses. Vatanen is chill like that.

I didn't think this could ever be as high as a 4 star read for me but damn. It seems I'm vulnerable when it comes to dry and depressing humor. Vatanen and the rabbit really got to me and overall I feel like this book is a great example of finnish people and their behaviour.

Vatanen as a character was something so relatable- he remained passive throughout the book, figuring his life out in the silence with his dear piece of nature.


(a few quotes I just want to write up for myself)

"Anyone could live this life, he reflected, provided they had the sense to give up the other way of life"

"He cried, didn't know why, but the cry came, he caressed the bear's fur, the rabbit that rested in the bag with its eyes closed"