A review by meghan_plethoraofpages
Good Neighbors by Sarah Langan


Good Neighbors by Sarah Langan

Good Neighbors, a literary noir novel that reads almost like a suburban horror story is a compulsive page turner filled with lies, deception and dysfunctional familial relationships. It’s dark, twisty and I just couldn’t look away. The author creates such a sense of dread and intrigue, it’s hard to put this book down. It mainly centres around two families, a sinkhole, a death of a child, a feud and gross miscommunications.

In the mundane setting of the everyday affluent suburb a couple years in the future, there is villainy and grotesque mob mentality. I literally grimaced at so many of the characters actions. Reader beware* - there is ample sensitive content. The story is told through multiple modalities - newspaper articles and interviews with neighbours from years later are sprinkled throughout. The story is a compulsive read, as secrets are slowly revealed and we see more of the drive behind characters and their twisted logic.

The writing is fantastic. There’s wry humour throughout and the characters are so interesting, while very few are likeable. The setting of a sleepy suburban street in the peak of summer creates the eerie backdrop to the madness. The sinkhole is actually quite an amazing metaphor and also terrifying setting - there’s one scene in particular that I had to speed read through because I felt so claustrophobic!

Fantastic novel. If you’re in the mood for something dark, twisty and unputdownable, I definitely recommend! 4.5⭐️

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Canada for access to an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.