A review by thelibraryoft
Legend by Marie Lu


4.5 stars

There is just something about reading dystopian that hits every time. . .  its the nostalgia. I never read this when I was younger, but I know i would have loved it. WHY was this never made into a movie?!

This was a short fast-paced read and kept me interested from start to finish. I literally listened to the audiobook start to finish in 1 sitting. Both main characters were interesting, strong, smart, great fighters which is a good thing but, it loses .5 stars for me just because both main characters were literally identically equal perfect little special snowflakes. I wish they had a few real flaws where they could complement each other.

I really liked that this was dual POV. I liked the action sequences. I liked the little found family moments. I liked June sticking to what she believes is right, but also being willing to keep her eyes open and change her mind when given new information.  I just liked it all. 

I am excited to read book 2 soon. I am hoping to get more questions answered, some deeper world building and to see more of Tess. She's my favorite and I want to see her to come into herself more. If something happens to her, I will be pissed.