A review by literarygeorge
The Contract by Scarlett Edwards


Originally reviewed at For Your Literary Pleasure
First of all - cliffhanger. However, Edwards does note this is simply the first section of the larger novel. If any of you followed the "Anything He Wants" series by Sara Fawkes - this is the same.
Second of all - HOLY BEJEEZUS! I went from the prologue filled with random dates and flashbacks thinking "oh no I don't understand anything, I'm going to hate this" to "omg I love where this is going and it's totally freaking me out, WHERE'S THE REST?!"

Lilly has a spine of steel. She fights every moment she is trapped and confused. She plots and schemes refusing to bow to the wishes of some degenerate kidnapper. I love how sassy she remains despite her situation, I'm a sucker for strong women characters and Lilly is tough incarnate. Though we get only snippets of JS, his persona as demanding and caring is built beautifully. He sounds like the dominant male billionaire I'm going to love and hate in equal measures! From the messages to Lilly's memory - his scenes are perfectly restrained and minimal. This tantalizing start to the "Uncovering You" series promises fights, dark erotic romance, stand-offs, submission, gentleness and spunk. The only problem I have if how long I have to wait until the next one!

Edwards has given us a mysterious, dark novella with a hint of things yet to come and I am literally panting like a dog wanting the next part. While reading I was reminded of the illustrious Kitty Thomas' "Guilty Pleasure's" though who knows where Edwards will take us from this moment forward. This novella has the perfect level of tension and the best intertwined backstory. I was hungry for every ounce of information Edwards wanted to throw my way. This series is truly one to look out for and Edwards darker side is shining with literary magic. Don't take my word for it mark down March the 27th and get your copy asap!

xxx Literary George
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