A review by diarmuid
City of Illusions by Ursula K. Le Guin


"A sun like a dragon’s eye, orange-yellow, like a fire-opal with seven glittering pendants swinging slowly through their long ellipses."

After getting very excited for the Hainish Cycle after the excellent The Dispossessed, and then going back to read them in publication order with the nice little Roccanons World, I was fiercely disappointed with the extremely boring World of Exile. This put a halt on my reading them, but I am so glad I finally read this when I needed a 200 page book to fill a gap. This is such a return to form, a great little scifi tale which even pulls from the previous two books for the most cohesive one so far. Good concept and well written, what's more to like? I also read one of her short stories on the tube during this - I feel another big Le Guin phase coming on and I am so here for it.