A review by thaictaff
The Backup Boyfriend by River Jaymes


Most M/M romance I read are angst ridden and problematic – which means I’m probably looking in the wrong places – so I usually go into them with low expectations so I won’t be disappointed. And let me tell you, I could never be disappointed in this book, ever.

Alec’s boyfriend has walked out on him seemingly out of nowhere. He’s mourning the lost of his relationship when he finds out his ex Tyler has moved on and is dating someone. Alec decides then he needs to make some changes in his life, changes that involves impulsively buying a motorcycle he neither knows how to work nor knows if it’s actually working properly. So his friend Noah recommends going to see Dylan Booth, the owner of a motorcycle garage, to help him with figure out how to handle his motorcycle.

Somehow, these two form an unlikely friendship. And after witnessing an awkward conversation between Alec and his ex, Dylan comes up with a plan to pretend to date Alec, in order to make Tyler jealous (FAKE DATING GUYS, I’M NOT OKAY). I mean what could go wrong right? A straight guy pretending to be in a gay relationship, totally normal.

Noah pressed his hand to his chest. “I wouldn’t miss this fake-homo show for all the Gucci shoes on Rodeo Drive. Besides, once Dylan Booth gets an idea in his head, the threat of hell and high water pants won’t change his mind. Hetero or not, he’ll make a fabulous backup boyfriend.”

Alec, sweet, dorky, amazing Alec, he is such an incredible character, I absolutely love him. He deserves everything good in the world okay. He reminds me so much of my best friend, they both want the whole fairytale story; fall in love, get married, have kids, etc. I loved that his development included realizing that those things aren’t everything and being someone’s boyfriend isn’t what’s important in life.

Dylan is a wonderful character as well. Going into this, I was expecting him to have an inner battle over the fact he was attracted to another guy and stay in denial for most of the story. That didn’t happen at all, and I’m so grateful for it. His development happened beautifully, I could see where he was coming from with his decisions even if I didn’t agree with them. The only struggle he had was with labels, and never about his relationship with Alec, he knew he wanted him, but he just wasn’t sure he could handle a relationship and all the labels that came with it.

“Actually, there’s really only one thing I need you to call yourself.”
“What’s that?”

When I got to the end of this book I was so satisfied with everything, I’m so glad I decided to pick this up. The writing was good and the story progressed beautifully, but what really caught me was how real the characters felt.

Review also posted at Read. Breathe. Repeat.