A review by elliefufu
Flashfire by Deborah Cooke


Flashfire, Dragonfire #7, by Deborah Crooke
Grade: C-

“I refuse to have my life and my choices shaped by fear.”
“A team. She’d never had a partner or confident before, not like this, and Cassie liked the prospect a lot.”

Lorenzo is a Pry, a shape-shifting dragon, and uses his powers in his Las Vegas show as a magician. Lorenzo maybe a Pry but he has refused for hundreds of years to join their cause defending humans against Slayers, shape-shifting dragons who want to destroy mankind, and wants nothing but to be left alone. Lorenzo is gearing up for his biggest illusion yet, one that will help both himself and his father disappear and start a new life. Lorenzo never expected just days before his big disappearance to have his mate attend one of his shows and for the firestorm that happens between mates to occur.

Cassie Redmond needed a vacation and that’s how she ended up with her best friend in Las Vegas, Nevada and at the show of master illusionist Lorenzo’s show. Never did Cassie expect sparks to literally fly between the two or for the intense passion that would later follow. Now that Cassie has been revealed as Lorenzo’s mate both the Pry and Slayers want to use her to get him to join their side. While the Pry want her help the Slayers will use force and try to force Lorenzo’s hand to make a decision that could change the world as we know it.

I had a very hard time with this book. I usually try not to read books that are so far along in a series that I have not read and I should have known better then to try and pick up this series with book seven. I felt very, very lost for the first fifty pages about the Pry and Slayers and was actually surprised that there wasn’t any explanation about who they were except that both were dragon shape shifters. I wish that there would have been a glossary of terms included because I feel that it would have eased a lot of my confusion about who and what things were.

Once I figured out what was going on I really enjoyed the first half of this book. I really enjoyed both Cassie and Lorenzo and found the firestorm, sparks that show a mate, really interesting. I liked that it took Lorenzo a while to see how beautiful and strong Cassie was but I didn’t like that he fought so hard against having a relationship with her. There were many times when I wanted Cassie to get mad at him and tell him to take a hike and when she finally did it was too late for me.

As I mentioned before I really liked the first half of this book but the second half, for me, was really bad and almost unreadable. I was so bored and annoyed with everything that was going on that all I wanted was for the book to end. I thought there was almost too much going on and then add in that I was already confused I just kind of gave up caring or trying to figure everything out.

I love paranormal romance books especially ones that involve dragons which is why I was so excited to read Flashfire but I found this one way too confusing, with way too much going on and not enough explanation of the world of the Pry and Slayers. I never fell in love with the characters and the story and had no desire to try and get lost in the plot. I do not recommend reading this book if you have not read this series before and credit most of my confusion and dislike of the book from trying to jump into what seems to be a complex world of dragon shifters.