A review by frantomlimb
Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage


This was a really interesting read. The first 30 or so pages I absolutely hated it, it gave me a horrible sick feeling in my stomach and I didn't think I'd be able to continue. I'm not sure what compelled me to read this since creepy children freak me out so much but I persevered because I found Suzette such a compelling character.

I don't have Crohn's but I have IBS which causes really terrible stomach pains so I felt such a connection to her and found her backstory really relatable as I felt like my pain wasn't taken seriously as a child either. I was hate reading the Hanna chapters for most of it but I'm so happy that this book didn't go the way I thought it would at all.

At every moment where a different, more cruel book would have gone this book did all the right things. The husband believes her sooner, they get her to a doctor and even towards the end I started to hate Hanna slightly less. She didn't succeed in killing her mother which is how I was certain it would end and I'm so happy for that.

I was able to suspend my disbelief that her chapters didn't read like a 7 year old, where in Room by Emma Donaghue I couldn't stand the child's perspective because he was way too wise beyond his years, here it didn't bother me that much. If you enjoyed the ponderings of regretful motherhood that We Need to Talk About Kevin had I highly recommend this.