A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Dark Knight by Helen Scott, Zoey Shelby


Normally I don't read many contemporaries. I prefer at least a touch of magic in my books. It doesn't have to be much. It just has to be there. However, I was very happy that I read Lyric's series in this world and when I saw that this series was gonna tell us what had happened to her roommate I got very excited. I was therefore really happy that I was offered an arc and I was even happier that I could finally dive into this book after a long and hard workday.

Evie is quite clearly not the badass heroine Lyric was. Evie grew up in a cult and although she escaped and found her own place in the world she's still carrying some traces of the cult in her. However, because of her history she's very intelligent, knows how to read situations and people and isn't afraid to ask for help because she knows that she can't handle dangerous situations herself. It makes her amazing in a different kind of way. It also makes her maybe more relatable too.

If you've read the previous series it's not hard to guess what kind of job the guys Evie runs into have. If you're new to this world the author might keep you a little longer in the dark. Eventually everything is connected to both Lyric's and Melody's series perfectly and I can't wait to get some more cameos, mentions and nods in future installments. I'm also really curious about the cult's role in this world and who's really behind it and what goal they might have.

However, this book does make clear that this series is dark. I don't have triggers so for me there were not issues in this book, but you might wanna check out the triggers if you do have some. There are quite some disturbing scenes in this book, there is some on page sexual assault and I'm fairly sure this was only the beginning. Luckily there are also some overprotective guys who DO love the heroine to give us hope that there might be a happy ending for Evie. Somewhen. Eventually.