A review by spinstah
The Secret of Lost Things by Sheridan Hay


I read this in a day -- it's a nice little story about a young woman who moves to NYC and finds work in a used bookstore. She promptly gets talked into helping the manager with a clandestine purchase, and manages to share bits & pieces of the information with various members of the staff.

I really liked the story, but was sometimes annoyed by how naive the protagonist is -- but that just served to remind the reader that she's an 18-year-old from Tasmania, who has really never been exposed to the world. So while that was at times frustrating, I think it worked well -- it kept things more interesting. And really, half the story wouldn't have occurred if she was more mature and sophisticated when the story occurs.

Overall, an interesting read -- especially for anyone in the book world. And it's a fast-moving story, too; I finished it in a day.