A review by beforeviolets
Amy Unbounded: Belondweg Blossoming by Rachel Hartman


1.5. The storytelling was pretty rough, the plot lines were... existent at best, and the art was frankly disappointing. Most of the characters growth was minimal or non-existent and much of the systemic issues of this world were used as an excuse for characters’ complaints or sneaky loopholes, rather than an obstacle for the characters to overcome or a lesson about equality for the reader. Amy served as a decent window into this world, but the author’s claim that she is essentially Jo March but “better suited for our post modern times” was certainly a stretch.

(It also feels important to mention that there are only 2 people of color in this story, and that out of the maybe 3 scenes that they’re in, one of them calls the other one “monkey”.)

Maybe I was so put off by this book because it was spoken of so highly to me and it’s amateur material was jarringly contrary to my expectations, but my experience reading this was lackluster.