A review by abbier_14
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik


I had to use an audiobook to get through this otherwise i would not have finished it as quickly as i did. My mind is compleately blank after this.

- The writing style of this book is tedious. Its the main characters inner monologue about everything boring she could possible mention. The author has obviously thought a lot about how even the most minor things work in the fantasy world, but because they havent found a way to organically work it into the plot the author just has the main character just say it out of no where. Its just description, description, after description. An endless slog of thoughts.
It was painfullll and if i hadnt had the audiobook on 3x speed it would probably would have drained away my will to live.
Also i find it so strange how so much of this book was description and telling instead of showing, but we dont know the answer to the most important of questions. The author has over described all the minor things but compleately skipped big things such as:
"why are these kids at this school in the first place? surely the parents would just home school them and protect them?" apparantly its more dangerous in the outside world but with how dangerous the school is im not sure i believe that. I could come up with more but i cba to waste any more brain power on this book

- The book was also sooo repetative and had no plot. This is basically what would happen in the book: They walk up some stairs, go to the cafeteria and check their food for evil stuff, walk down some stairs and go sit somewhere, walk back up stairs to the cafeteria, walk some more stairs and go to sleep.
Thats literally all they did.
The only time it kinda had a plot was like 80% of the way in but i was literally so confused by what was happening. from what i could work out they were purging the graduation hall from maleficers or whatever so the seniors didnt have to deal with them? but why the hell were they doing that? they literally risked their lives and i couldnt work out their motivations (probably bc i was skimming and half in a daydream to entertain myself)  but i was just happy there was something new going on.

- The main character Galadriel was soo rude, entitled, bratty, just urgh. She was so rude to everyone and just horrible and had a disgusting attitude. She kept going on about how no one talks to her or invites her into their clan and im like yeah, i wonder why *eye roll*. Awful person yuck.

Orion was my baby because he was actually nice, sweet, kind and selfless.

All the other characters were just names. They had no personality or defining characteristics, i could kinda work them out by the origin of their names because i was like "ohhh thats the one Galadriel is using to translate her mandarin spells even though shes not giving them anything useful in return other than pain and headaches". But yeah they were just there for galadriel to use and didnt add anything else to the story.

- Also this stupid forced romance oh my god. Galadriel kept bringing up the fact how shes not dating orion but im like girly i dont think anyone thinks your dating orion. And the the most stupid thing: the kiss that comes out of no where! they dont even want to be friends! they have no connection no chemistry! absolutely no reason why it would make sense for them to kiss right then! urghhhh So annoying it seems like the author just throws in that "romance" just so that they could say its included as thats what readers usually like.