A review by sempiternal_books
A Touch of Death by Rebecca Crunden


A Touch of Death by Rebecca Crunden grabbed my attention from the start. It opens with a scene where a prison inmate is being tortured by guards, which is pretty intense if you ask me. There wasn't anything too graphic, but it was enough to set the tone for the rest of the story.

After Nate and Cathrine contract a mysterious infection at an abandoned government building. An infection that causes their skin to burn at the touch of another person, save each other. In a turn of events, they are forced to flee from the King's guards. Running for their lives, the two head on a journey to the one place safe from the King, The Outlands.

My main problem with this book was the world-building. I would have liked more detail about the world. A lot of it felt like it was incomplete, like information about the society was missing. And most of the plot focused on their traveling from place to place looking for answers about their 'infection,' so it gets a bit dull at times. As for the romance, I could definitely ship them as a couple, and the possibility of it happening is there, but that isn't really the focus of the story.

The writing was probably my favorite aspect of this book. It is compulsively readable. Almost addicting. Even when nothing particularly exciting was happening, something about the writing made me want to keep reading. I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys horribly corrupt dystopian societies and rebellion. This book was full of twists and turns and will definitely leave you wanting more.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.