A review by libralita
The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson


First let me just get this out of the law, this book really reminds me of Legend of Korra. They’re both spin offs, they take several years with descendants of the previous cast of characters, the creators were influenced by similar time periods, technology boom, AND a magical force re-populating the planet with a group of magic users that had died off in the first series. At least I’m assuming that Sazed created more Feruchemists. I’m sure Brandon and Bryke have probably heard this before.

Any way, our story actually begins with Wax accidently killing his girlfriend. Then he moves back to…Elendel…and there’s a bunch of other things named for the characters. So that’s funny and kinda depressing. Also Wax is related to Breeze. That’s really cool.

We’re also told that Mistborn are a myth but there is this new thing called “Twinborns” where you can have one allomantic power and feruchemic power. So Wax is a coin shot and he also mess with his weight with his feruchemic power. Seeing how this is in the Mistborn series I’m sure they’ll come back. Although with all these new allomantic powers, I’m sure they’re going to be even more OP than they were in the last series.

You can mix alcohol and metals? I wouldn’t recommend getting drunk while trying to practice allomancy.

“‘I have seen God, lawkeeper,’ Tan whispered. Where was he? ‘I have seen Death himself, with nails in his eyes. I have seen the Survivor, who is life.’”—Page 12

Good to know that the church of the Survivor survived. Also are you sure you’re not talking about an inquisitor?

The mists still exist for some reason. They don’t seem to come out every night.

Also Wax is 42 and Wayne is like in his 30s, that’s really odd.

I’m pretty sure Steris is related to a Kandra with this whole contract business.

“It was two fifteen. He should be getting sleep. Normal people slept at these hours.”—Page 72

Normal is overrated.

Steris and Sarene from Elantris need to meet. It would be hilarious.

“‘I once shot the tail off a dog by mistake,’ Waxillium said idly. ‘It’s kind of a funny story.’
‘Shooting dogs is hardly appropriate dinner conversation,’ Steris said.
‘I know. Particularly since I was aiming for its balls.’
Marasi just about spat her soup across the table.”—Page 89

Wax is my favorite. Also Brandon Sanderson making a penis joke. That’s hilarious.

Okay the Lord Mistborn? I’m pretty sure that it’s Spook because later they talking some High Imperial language and it’s Spook’s stupid street slang. Which is weird and there’s a story in there.

Ugh, not a most-unorthodox!-chief-of-police.

“Wayne eyed the watching men. Not a one of them had questioned him. Act like you were important, act like you were angry, and people just wanted to get out of your way. Basic psychology, that was.”—Page 161

Nice advice.

The butler is a traitor! He was kinda annoying, he just wanted Wax to stop investigating.

Ranette made a gun called “Vindication” which is ironic because Ranette kinda reminds me of Vin.

So in the epic battle Sazed shows up and gives Wax his chest of guns.

“‘Oh Survivor of Mists!’ Steris breathed, checks flushed, eyes wide, lips parted as she held to him. She didn’t look terrified. If anything, she seemed aroused.
You are a bizarre woman, Steris, Wax thought.”—Page 348

Is Steris turned on by Wax saving her? That’s beautiful.

Steris is kinda sweet, I hope we get to know her more.

I knew it that the uncle was Mister Suit.

Marsh! Sazed couldn’t fix you? That’s lame.

Time to wait for the next two books to arrive here! I’m excited to start this new series.