A review by zayah_wrights
How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole


We open up the story to our main Character, Makeda, losing her job (apparently because she's too obedient and a less suitable candidate for the promotion she was gunning for). As if the day can't get any worse, she gets home to find her girlfriend all packed and ready to leave her. Steph claims that Makeda is suffocating, always wanting to lend a helping hand.

Her grandmother offers her a job at her family's guesthouse, which she accepts and says she'll move back in to help run the business. Then, gran touches on a subject Makeda is reluctant to discuss, her so-called royal lineage. She hates talking about it because of how crazy it drove her mother, leading to her being bullied and teased about it at school. So, growing up, it became something she started to resent. Yet gran won't let it go, at least not without Makeda reaching out to the royal house, claiming she has nothing to lose at this point.

She won't have any of it and this pushes gran to be more determined, saying that the kingdom of Ibarania is looking for its long-lost heir and that there's a cash lumpsum offered to whoever the royal house finds to be the true heir. And our girl could use the cash injection as she's stuck paying off a loan she was basically sweet talked into taking out but then left to handle it all alone.

The, we meet Beznaria, who's working hard to find a way to restore honour to her family's name due to an incident that took place years ago. Her grandmother, the royal guard at the time, lost the land's queen on a bustling dock in Sicily. And her reputation has never recovered. Bez, being the person she is, vows to clear her grandmother's name by finding the lost heir. And what do you know, the searching committee is soon inundated with tons of claims that she's tasked with following up on and they lead her to the U.S.

These two meet and, though they're not the best of friends from the get-go, they do try to treat each other with some respect. Makeda is none too happy about any of this, which poses a threat to the next phase of Bez's investigation: to take Makeda back to Ibarania.

The one thing that ends up convincing Makeda to finally agree to going with Makeda is the fact that the loan she's taken out is posing threats to her grandmother's business. And to get that lump sum offered by the royal family would be the push out of the forest she needs desperately.

We spend a lot of time on the cargo ship Bez was able to get them onto, by lying and saying they're a newly-wed couple. And by the time they get to Ibarania, I was starting to lose all the focus and all the fun had been drained out of the story.

Even the ending was a bit confusing to me - all along, Bez is the actual long-lost heir, and we never really get the answer about whether Makeda is also related to the royal family or not. I did love the chemistry these two had as well as the longing they tried so hard to hide from each other. I just wish we had more time with them once they got to Ibarania.