A review by brynhammond
Racialization and Religion: Race, Culture and Difference in the Study of Antisemitism and Islamophobia by Nasar Meer


Quiet scholarship in a noisy and polemical field.

I found a few of these essays – those situated in the UK – so very useful I almost gave this an extravagant five stars. It felt like slipping into a warm bath of calm and reasonableness, after I had had a look around an overactive industry of books (blame the demand) with either antisemitism or Islamophobia in the title that are written to leave you more scared, angry, prejudiced, one-sided and misinformed than you were before. The trouble is, you can buy ten of those books for the price of this one. This one began as an issue of a journal [Ethnic and Racial Studies, volume 36, issue 3, 2013] and it’s the journal I read, with institutional access (I’m sorry to miss the afterwords, which were added for the book). It was worth publishing the collection as a book, but what’s the use with this limited access? The pieces are not in academese – as a layperson in the field I skipped a few technical sentences but most was easy to read. Brian Klug’s even has humour.

I said ‘with either antisemitism or Islamophobia in the title’: rarely together, and it’s that which underpins these essays, that they need to be examined together, and with the advantage of studies in racism, because these two have been each of them isolated in ‘silos’ (of more heat than light). Even this approach is controversial and causes upset: for one thing, as the editor says, ‘…yet, alas, the political space for solidarity among Muslim and Jewish groups is increasingly squeezed by geopolitical imperatives’, and for another, the phobia in fashion does not want to associate with racism. It seems to me the approach makes sense. My instincts were – I don’t know whether they still are now I’ve read a little – to avoid these terms that make a certain prejudice an isolated case. I had that instinct for Islamophobia; I didn’t presume to have an opinion on antisemitism, with which I was less acquainted. That was because people have set up defences against Islamophobia, being a Word they can think is newly invented; whereas to say anti-Muslim feeling is simpler and doesn’t at once bring up the rejection. In my uninformed way, that means I wanted an approach like this one. Different authors in here have different views and stances, but that framework is what they have in common: to study these side by side and in the light of wider work on racism.