A review by majaingrid
The Winter Road by Adrian Selby


2,5 stars

I'm not having the greatest start of the year with my books

I wanted to like this book. I really did. Thing is I'm not even sure why I bought it at all. I've tried reading an excerpt from Orbit several times but couldn't get through it at all. But I saw some promising reviews and wanted to give it a proper chance.

It does have a promising plot and worldbuilding, and Teyr is a really well written character, I really liked her. BUT the writing. I didn't like it at all. It's the kind of writing you'll either really like or really dislike I think. It's two different timelines, which are pretty close to each other (just one year apart) which made stuff bit confusing. It also mixed using present tense for (current timeline) and past tense (for the "past" timeline. It's written in first person point of view. The writing style and the two timelines made it really hard for me to connect with the plot.