A review by athios
Bramah and the Beggar Boy by Renée Sarojini Saklikar

Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
first person to open this copy
pages crisp yet ragged edged
lured by a local news article
drawn to its potential

Story: intriguing yet obstructed by
Writing: sentences end where not —
placement of, punctuation peculiar
like a James Kirk, soliloquy
meaning of any capitalization Unknown
      (insert italicized non-sequitur and □□ random symbols 
be it art, poetry or disjointed ravings 

this reader Cannot decipher 

fifty plus pages on 
hopes high, effort and patience tremendous 
but comprehension and enjoyment scant 
time spent never to be recovered 
so why this review, mockery or tribute 
reflection, longing, dirge, Warning 

hopes dashed 
no more 
May another more capable reader take up this burden