A review by jgintrovertedreader
The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde


The adventures of Thursday Next continue as she seeks refuge from the evil designs of the Goliath Corporation and Yorick Kaine inside the Book World, most specifically, The Well of Lost Plots. She's pregnant, her pet dodo is hatching an egg in a slightly muddled way, her husband has been eradicated (back when he was only two years old) and the little sister of her defeated arch-nemesis is slowly erasing and/or changing all of Thursday's memories. She's also investigating crimes as an apprentice agent for Jurisfiction, an internal book policing agency. Mentoring her at Jurisfiction is Miss Havisham. Yes, that Miss Havisham. The Miss Havisham of Great Expectations fame who now spends what little spare time she has competing against Mr. Toad to try to set a new land speed record.

Do you get the picture? This book is not for those without a sense of humor, or at least a sense of whimsy. I am amazed at Jasper Fforde's literary knowledge and imagination. It feels like there is some sort of literary reference or pun in at least every paragraph. It's really probably every sentence, but I don't know enough myself to "get" them all.

I love the whole concept of a secret, hidden world within books. What do all those characters get up to when their stories aren't being read? A lot, as it turns out.

This book also seems to be where another of Fforde's books, The Big Over Easy started out. Now that I've read The Big Over Easy, it was interesting to see where the idea began, knowing where it wound up.

I think it only got three stars because I did read it before a few years ago. I do enjoy Jasper Fforde's books, but I don't think they stand up all that well to re-reading. The fresh ideas aren't all that fresh anymore.

That being said, I do highly recommend these to people with the sense of humor to appreciate them.