A review by miguelf
It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump by Stuart Stevens


There’s a Subreddit called r/Leopardsatemyface which is dedicated to “someone who has a sad because they’re suffering consequences from something they voted for or supported or wanted to impose on other people”. It’s full of memes and social media posts, mostly with people who regretted their longtime GOP supporter or otherwise supported Trump specifically. Stevens could be the patron saint for this sub as his book is basically a gigantic mea culpa for having wasted his life fighting for and right wing causes. He’s a political insider who is ready to dish the dirt on what he saw and experienced as a GOP operative, and with chapter titles like “The Long Con” and “Machinery of Deception” it’s pretty easy to see where he currently views the modern day GOP. I wish I could say that I was shocked or surprised that the party of social responsibility and family values is so often filled with those of the lowest character, but that this has been such a glaring fact for so long it’s not really revelation, but to hear it from one of their own is somewhat interesting.