A review by zenithharpink
Scrivener's Moon by Philip Reeve


This was both somewhat better than I expected, and also exactly what I was expecting. As usually, I got sucked into this book against my better judgement.

Reeve can't write a likable character to save his life, I don't like anybody in any of these books, and it made it tough to care too much about the outcome. The redeeming quality of these (and this) books is the richness of the world Reeve has created, that's what hooked me and kept me reading the series.

Fever was a tiny bit more sympathetic, and her relationship in this book didn't ring true - it felt like Reeve was unwilling to commit, and also, what about Arlo? Between the last book and this, one, there is a complete change in direction - the second book may as well not have happened, and literally nothing would have changed in the third book.

I can't really recommend this book, or the series. It's an interesting idea, but it never quite worked for me - mostly due to the terrible characters.