A review by thoroughlymodernreviewer
Doctor Who: Audacity by Tim Foley, Lisa McMullin


Doctor Who: Audacity ushers in an exciting new era for the Eighth Doctor. Freed from the confines of a decade's worth of box sets, Audacity is the perfect jumping-on point for listeners eager to dip their toes into Big Finish's Eight Doctor range. Featuring immediately captivating and endlessly endearing performances from Jaye Griffiths and Paul McGann, a trilogy of exciting, top-notch Doctor Who tales, and a mixture of horror, humor, and sci-fi camp, it offers a perfect showcase of the Eighth Doctor's range. Plus, there are plenty of treats for longtime listeners, too. Especially in the final moments of The Great Cyber-War. No spoilers, but let's just say next month's follow-up, Doctor Who: The Bleak Midwinter, is looking even more exciting.

If you're new to the range, Doctor Who: Audacity is the perfect starting point. And if you're a longtime fan of the Eighth Doctor, it offers an exciting look into a previously unexplored time of the Eighth Doctor's life. Though we may miss the ongoing adventures of Eight, Liv Chenka, and Helen Sinclair, Lady Audacity offers a breath of fresh air in the best way possible. Long may she reign.