A review by desertdreamsanddarkthemes
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb


When I began working at the place I do know, I would sit at my desk and see five copies of this book staring back at me. Every time I looked back, I'd tell myself I have to read that book before too long. I'd tell myself that for three years. Now that the classroom is mine and I've inherited all of the books, I rearranged them. This book faces the door people walk in, which caught the attention of a co-worker who made the comment of it being appropriate to be in my classroom. I had never read it nor knew anything about it to give her an answer; so I read it in order to give a better answer. My answer is this:

This is one of the best books I've read all year. This book has been a comfort to me during a year that has sucked beyond suckage. The topics in this book are too mature for some of my students, yes. But if it could be a comfort to one person the way it was a comfort to me then it is worth holding onto.