A review by miftahul_mslovesreading
Good Enough by Kelly Elliott


I really dont know how to rate this book cuz i did love some of the parts. I loved the family dynamic and the sibling relationship between Brock, Ty and Tanner, especially when they teased him. Blayze is absolutely adorable and cute, this character was the highlight of the book and it was amazing how realistic this book was. The teasing by Tanner’s family when they found out that he likes Timberly, and how Timberly and Tanner’s relationship progressed. What i didnt like was after 50% because as soon as Timberly and Tanner started dating it was only sex, 10% of the book after they started to date was just sex which made it weird because the beginning of the book was so fun with the family and the teasing and the realistic aspect but then suddenly it became more smut, the vibe just changed and slowly towards the end it got cheesy and boring especially when Timberly’s father arrived. Throughout the book we see that she has daddy issues cuz her dad neglected her after her mom died but then suddenly he is remorseful, it was a bit rushed up in that part. I also didnt like Timberly at the beginning because she was leading Tanner to thinking she likes him which she did but then whenever he wanted to talk to her about relationship she judged him and talked in a really mean way, Tanner is a sweetheart and i think he deserves better. I just liked the family and sibling relationship in this book, some parts were hilarious while the ending got a bit boring. It was like a decent read but smtg was missing idk y cuz whatever problems Timberly and Tanner had in the book were solved in like two seconds- idk smtg just feels missing in their relationship, maybe its the rushed up ending or how it was just sex towards the end while at the beginning their relationship was progressing slowly where Timberly had trust issues and Tanner wanted to prove her that she is worth it and give their relationship a chance.