A review by literarycrushes
100 Boyfriends by Brontez Purnell


100 Boyfriends by Brotez Purnell is many things; it might be a novel, a work of autofiction, a series of vignettes, a memoir, or a short story collection. Whatever it is, it is bold and vulnerable in all the best ways. Reading this book felt like reading the journal of a stranger, it felt at once thrilling and illicit. Purnell’s subtle humor cut through the pages and tied the stories together in what otherwise lacked any cohesive narrative. This lack of plot didn’t bother me, though I would recommend reading a few vignettes at a time rather than consuming the entire book in two sittings as I did.
100 Boyfriends is populated by a memorable assortment of characters (whether they are the same, overlapping, or each entirely unique characters is up for interpretation) whose flash stories deal with racism, sex -a lot of sex!, judgement (and nonjudgement), and most of all, what it’s like to inhabit a certain body that lives at the intersection of these identities. Also, for a lack of a better way to say it, it is very gay and very horny which makes it the perfect read for a hot summer night IMO!