A review by corrie
The Persephone Star by Jamie Sullivan


Jamie Sullivan’s The Persephone Star was an okay read, no high flyer but still entertaining. The setting was mostly Wild West, with the Persephone airship as the Steampunk component. Main theme was a gang of wild women, painted as villains by the men in charge, are trying to break out one of their own out of prison before she gets hanged.

There is a lot of male misogyny in this book, keeping true to the time period I guess, but it still irked me that our heroine, Post Mistress Penelope Moser is so passive throughout the book. Only much later, at the edge of disaster, does she find her strength. The evil fiancé and sheriff of Fortuna was of the moustache twirling variety and I don’t understand her misplaced loyalty to him or her father, to be honest, for they did nothing to earn it.

The ship was cool, although I wondered about the science of keeping it in the air all this time. The family like bond between outlaw Mirage Cutter and her small crew of female misfits was sweet. The plot was a bit thin, the drama thick. So in short, The Persephone Star is entertaining if you don’t want to dig too deep.

f/f the romance part is very PG, a few kisses were shared. Penelope is a lady afterall.

Themes: Fortuna, Wild West meets a tiny bit of Streampunk, a kidnapping gone wrong, sky pirates, all men are evil, ‘little librarian’, wrongly accused.

3.4 Stars

* A free copy was provided by Netgalley and Riptide Publishing for an honest review.