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A review by ameyawarde
Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer


I cannot say enough good things about this book! It is deliciously, gloriously dense with details that out the author as a hardcore history nerd (Professor, even!). It's combination of utopia + history is so extremely relevant to my interests I still get giddy every time I try to talk about it. :D I finished this this summer (and forgot to mark it 'read' until now!) but as I go about my life, reading about history and philosophy, as one does, I'm constantly learning new things and remembering it being referenced in TLL and getting excited for how rich this book is all over again. For those who aren't really into history or nerdy details/ideas, I'm not sure how they may like it, it might be just as enjoyable read simply as a fantastic utopian book, but it might be difficult to get through, with the flowery language especially. It took even me quite a few chapter to get into the swing of it, but it was DEFINITELY worth it. This is by far my favorite read of the year, and I cannot wait for Book #2 in February!!