A review by readingwithfefe
The Cabin by Jasinda Wilder


Grief. It is hard. It is messy. It is all consuming and at times debilitating. When you grieve the loss of a partner, a lover, a friend, and a husband it is near impossible to see a light at the end of the narrowing tunnel that is the rest of your life. I would know. What I also know is that it is possible to move forward. To get up every day and continue on. This book brought me back to that. It made me relive my own grief and my own journey to the other side of it. There were tears.. so many tears but, there were also smiles. Moments where my heart felt just slightly lighter than it did so many years ago. Almost like it was giving me the permission I never felt I received or even thought I needed.
I read a lot of dark stories most of the time but for some reason I took a chance on this knowing that it would not be what I normally pick up and dive into yet also not knowing what I would get out of it. Feeling completely refreshed and cleansed in a way that I was not expecting after seeing those two words "The End."
I'll admit I've never had a book spark something within me like this one did and I am loving it. So thank you to the author for that.
If you've come across this review first then do not read the synopsis.. just go in blind and soak all of the words in for what they are. Truth. Beauty. Pain. Sorrow. Joy... Love.