A review by saraib28
Mbs: The Rise to Power of Mohammed Bin Salman by Ben Hubbard


How much longer is the Arabian Gulf going to endure unsolicited opinions suggesting a transition to a democratic government?

Opinions that are lacking a constructivist understanding of the region, its history and tribalistic culture. Why is it that white washed ideologies are imposed on us with an ethnocentric hint? The failure to understand the difference between the middle eastern culture and the western culture will forever result in a blurred hasty judgment.

My main issue with this book Is that the author doesn’t even attempt to be objective to gain some credibility. I had hoped it would be more factual and less of an op-ed draft.

The author talks about the Saudi-led coalition in one of his chapters and claims Iran had supported the Houthis only after Saudi joined. He states “they welcomed Iranian help to fight back” (mans sources: “trust me i know”) leaving aside the fact that iran has been present in yemen way before that, as it has been present in different areas of the gulf as well as Africa. His inability and failure to mention this shows his poor understanding of the situation; which i doubt, this is more of a selective perception bias.

The security threat that the expansionist Iran poses on the region is not to be taken lightly.

Same goes to how the author minimizes the gulf crisis to a simple hacking fight. Leaving aside the history of the conflict, the way Qatar weaponizes its media platform against its neighboring countries, funds several projects that attempt to defame them, and its actual involvement in the proxy war in yemen is yet another incident of his selective perception bias.

The author spends 3-4 chapters on MBS’s Rise to Power, while saves the rest of the book for his “Human Rights” agenda serving the liberal prejudice and reaffirming his superiority complex pov.

The author also mentions in the beginning of the book Khashoggi’s islamist views, his muslim brotherhood loyalty & his friendship with Osama bin Laden. Excluding the pathos and emotional appeal enforced in the book, what if he was actually posing a threat to the nation state?