A review by nics_books
Avalanche: A Love Story by Julia Leigh



The topic of children is one I’ve always been unsure about. For me, becoming a mother is a foreign concept and something I can’t see in my immediate future. I’ve known a lot of people celebrating their pregnancies and starting families, and I’ve even known someone who referred to themselves as a “test tube baby”. I’d known bits and pieces about IVF, but not to this extent.

I definitely feel more educated on the matter after reading this. This autobiographical journey to have a child is heartbreaking and desperate, and I’m rooting for Julia the whole time. It seems like it took such a toll on her life as a woman, a person wanting someone to care for, and honestly, I have so much sympathy for her. The countless tests, the numerous attempts at trying to implant eggs. Science was never my strong point, but I can only appreciate and sit in awe at the lengths the doctors and Julia went to help her get pregnant.

As the title suggests, this is a love story between a woman and the child she never got to have. It’s also about learning to love yourself again after a long and gruelling process, and how to fall in love with the world around you. This book was wonderfully written, flowed nicely, but I can feel her desperation every time I turned the pages. I wanted her to get what she was fighting for from the very beginning. What an amazingly strong and resilient woman she is.

I recommend this book for educational and insightful reasons into the world of IVF and elaborate medical procedures surrounding conception, but also because it’s a good book. There’s a lot of heart in it, and it’s unlike anything I’ve read before.