A review by vikingwolf
Two Ravens and One Crow by Kevin Hearne


There are a lot of short stories and novellas in the Iron Druid series. Some can be read for fun and some can be skipped as they are set in the distant past with no real relevance to the current storyline. I would recommend that fans of the series DO read this one as it is enjoyable and does fit into the current storyline. Besides a road trip with The Morrigan is always going to be fun!

Six years after the last book, The Morrigan suddenly arrives and decides it is time that she fixes the damaged tattoos that Atticus has-and Atticus is worried that this is an omen of his impending doom. As you do! The process takes time, during which Atticus sees a different side to his scary guardian. But when she announces that they are going to a secret meeting to sort a few things out over dinner, Atticus wonders if he is being served up on a plate to his Asgard enemies.

I really enjoyed this story as I love The Morrigan! It was quite sad to hear her admit that it bothers her not to have any friends and Atticus offers to take her to some baseball games where she can enjoy the despair of badly playing team members! I liked seeing the more vulnerable side to her and seeing a bit of a bond forming between them. I want to see them at a baseball game in a later book! That would be fun...It was also funny to hear her quiz Atticus about his relationship with Granuaile and Atticus tries to explain about his guilt ferrets!

Morrigan- "What are guilt ferrets?"
Atticus- "They're bastards. They cling to your neck and tickle and bite and generally make you miserable, which is a pretty good trick for a metaphor."
They were also impervious to logic, perhaps their most diabolical power.”

There was some good action in this book as the truce meeting with Odin manages to go wrong in spectacular but amusing style leading to a good chase scene with The Wild Hunt. I very much enjoyed this novella and it does bring this part of the Norse storyline to an end.