A review by melanatedbibliomancer
No Return: A Novel of Jeroun, Book One by Zachary Jernigan


From almost the first page of this gem of a book, I knew I was in for a treat. Jernigan's creativity and delicious weirdness is what I've been craving for some time, and he satisfies in every way imaginable.

No Return is split into the POV of five different characters, offering a fleshed-out view of Jeroun and its rich history. Jernigan does a great job with worldbuilding, and never did I find myself bored or skipping over details; the man knows what to gloss over and what to dwell on. Before I even finished No Return, I went ahead and ordered Shower of Stones.

With space mages, queer characters, mercurial gods, dudes fightin' in skintight suits, SPACE MAGES and constructed men made of spheres, there's something for everyone and their sci-fi-lovin' grandma pressed between these pages!

Mr. Jernigan, if you happen to come across this review, know you've got a fan for life. Keep up the magnificent work, good sir!