A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Defiance by Lili St. Crow


I liked this book a lot, there was a lot of action, but really, can't Dru ever catch a break? She runs from one emergency to another, and feels trapped and unsafe everywhere. The fact that Christophe didn't tell her about all the attempts on her life helped her not being able to even trust him later.

I was very happy that she and Nat had become such good friends, and that the wulfen have accepted her fully. And it was great when she saved Ash! She's a lot more powerful than she thought she was, and she is able to deal with a lot of misfortune at the same time.

When she started blooming at the worst time possible, I felt really sorry for her, and it was such a twist to see Anna captured with Graves.

Graves and Dru work really well as a team, and they understand each other fully without need for words. I look forward to the next book, wondering what the order will do when she doesn't come back. She took a load of money from Augies place, and I'm sure the three of them with Ash will be able to stay off the grid for a long time.

The main reason why this book didn't get five stars from me is that I really wish she'd catch a small break. Is that too much to ask for?

Christophe also acted really weird! OK, so he's in love with her, but come on, she's so young, and he trained her mother! And the fact that he's withholding information from her really doesn't help at all.

Leon really surprised me, I thought he was on her side, and I was disappointed that there were actually more traitors left at the schola.