A review by novelvisits
Beyond the Point by Claire Gibson


My Thoughts: I’m going to start by addressing the length as I know that might throw some readers off. I had not even looked at the length until after my library hold came in, but was told by a reader I trust that it didn’t feel long. She was completely correct. I flew through Beyond the Point even in a busy week when I had a lot going on.

Stories of lasting female friendship always appeal to me and Beyond the Point did not disappoint. Even better, I loved the added bonus of its unusual settings. Let’s face it, I’ve read very few books having to do with West Point or the military and certainly not women in the military. That alone could have easily held my interest, but the alternating stories of Dani, Hannah, and Avery also kept me flying through the pages. Roughly the first third of the book covers their time at West Point with the remainder being their careers, including deployments after leaving the elite college. For me the one flaw in the book was the post West Point years for one of the women. I don’t want to give anything away, but let’s just say her meteoric rise to success seemed completely unrealistic. Never-the-less, it was an easy flaw to move past, so I can recommend Beyond the Point to anyone looking for a great book to get lost in this fall.

Originally on Novel Visits: https://novelvisits.com/