A review by modern_analog
I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum


This one seems to be garnering quite mixed reviews, but I really liked it. It's complicated and messy like life can be. The narrator is confused and conflicted and you may not agree with him or understand his choices, but his flaws make him real. You're in his head and as a reader you basically play the role of his therapist, just taking in all of his thoughts, the justifications for his behavior and regrets. Ultimately it's an interesting account of the trajectory of love, from those frenzied early days, to building a life and committing to the future, to the lack of mystery as routines are formed, and finally through discovering if there can be forgiveness after indulging in temptation. I found that the rawness and honesty in the writing drew me in, though I wasn't happy with the swiftness of the change of heart at the end.