A review by abbyreads2
Kissing Kate by Lauren Myracle


My favorite part of this book was the whole lucid dream, psychology part. I love love psychology and i especially love learning about it. This was new and the dream she kept having was fascinating. I'm glad she realized who her true self was and chose to be her true self. Just because Kate isn't ready to be herself, it doesn't mean she can just mess with other's people's emotions and so on. She annoyed me. I don't understand why or how they were friends to begin with. I like Ariel tho, she made me laugh. At first, I thought she (main character) was going to end up with Ariel but unfortunately they didn't. It was cute regardless but I was expecting romance and there wasn't much of that. This was more of a self discovery type of thing. And I can't relate to this character much (probably the only thing I can relate to her with is the whole dreaming thing. I have seriously weird, bad and confusing nightmares) but this book was still okay. It was an okay read. The writing was good. I didn't have much problems with it. It was kind of bland, though I didn't hate it. I don't hate it. It was adorable how the uncle got to be happy. This was adorable in a weird bland way kind of? Again, I don't hate it. I just didn't love it either.