A review by valerielong
Full Moons, Dunes & Macaroons by Erin Johnson


4.5 rounded up.

I absolutely adore this series! I've been a fan of this series since the first book, Seashells, Spells, & Caramels. I look forward to each book coming out! Thankfully, Ms. Johnson writes them quickly so it's never too long of a wait!

A blogging friend of mine recently said that this was his favorite of the series so far. I'm at a toss-up between this one and the fourth book, Cookie Dough, Snow, & Wands Aglow as to which one is my favorite. I really liked this one, but I really liked the last one too.

I'm totally in love with the characters in this series. I relate to Imogen so much! Our personalities are similar and I can also understand her curiosities and her feeling torn between things. I don't want to give anything away, so I'm not going to say what she's torn over.

This book took us to the Fire Kingdom, which was a desert setting with high heat; draping, light fabrics, and good food. The setting descriptions were excellent. I was able to easily imagine all the locations as well as characters and other things.

The plot line was wonderful. It was complex, well thought out, and there were plenty of red herrings as far as whodunit. I was surprised at the end. I hadn't completely put two and two together this time.

All in all, another wonderful, magical book in the series! If you're going to read the series, you really do need to start with book one, Seashells, Spells & Caramels. Run, don't walk, over to Amazon to pick that one up and start enjoying this series! You won't be sorry!