A review by danareadzz
Dead Poets Society by N.H. Kleinbaum


Don’t read classics much but this book and the great gatspy live in my head rent free

“Because we’re only going to experience a limited number of springs, summers, and falls.
“One day, hard as it is to believe, each and every one of us is going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die!”

“Carpe Diem,” Keating whispered loudly. “Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.”

“ One reads poetry because he is a member of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion! Medicine, law, banking—these are necessary to sustain life. But poetry, romance, love, beauty? These are what we stay alive for!”

“don’t limit poetry to the word. Poetry can be found in music, a photograph, in the way a meal is prepared—anything with the stuff of revelation in it. It can exist in the most everyday things but it must never, never be ordinary. By all means, write about the sky or a girl’s smile, but when you do, let your poetry conjure up salvation day, doomsday, any day. I don’t care, as long as it enlightens us, thrills us and—if it’s inspired—makes us feel a bit immortal.”