A review by intensej
Commute: An Illustrated Memoir of Female Shame by Erin Williams


This graphic novel uses the author's commute to work as a vehicle to tell her story. Williams shares her journey with alcoholism and how she eventually becomes sober. She explains how shame has manifested throughout her life. Williams reveals that she is a sexual assault survivor and describes her experiences with sexual partners (consensual and nonconsensual). This graphic novel explores how women view their bodies and how their bodies are on display for men. Williams briefly describes how her experience as a mother has changed her. The art style is unique and reminds me of the style in [b:Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations|36700347|Good Talk A Memoir in Conversations|Mira Jacob|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1534098775l/36700347._SX50_.jpg|56227420]. This graphic novel allows an interesting visual format for the inner thoughts and memories of Erin Williams. For readers interested in feminist issues.

Content: Mentions of rape and sexual assault.