A review by magencorrie
Breakable by Tammara Webber


5 stars

My Review:

There are books that are must reads, ones that everyone should at least give a chance, ones that just kind of shake you to your core and leave with you an unbreakable feeling of wow. And, to me, Breakable is one of those books. It kind of shook me to my core and left me with a feeling of "wow, this book was amazing."

Breakable also gave a wonderful insight to the pretty remarkable character Lucas. I have to say I have never encountered a character like him and being inside his head was a splendid experience. He really is a diverse character with a complex depth to him. Seeing his story, through his eyes and his intricate and beautiful thoughts, really gave a great insight to just who Lucas is. And of course seeing his past was both heartbreaking and amazing. Watching him develop, overcome, and grow was just so fun of an experience and I’m so glad I got to be a part of it.

I loved how Tammara gave us flash backs of Lucas’s past; I felt she handle those so well. She also gave them at the perfect parts of the book and gave us the perfect glimpses of Lucas’s past to give us more depth of him. I enjoyed seeing just exactly what he experienced, how he saw them, felt, and how he handled everything that happened. Like I said before, that really gave so much of just who Lucas is.

I adore his character, definitely a lot more than I did in the first book, which I didn't think was possible. Watching him grow and how he saw Jacqueline, why he was so draw to her, was just so wonderful to see. He really is an intense, deep, and very heart felt guy. And that came through so much in the book.

I felt the pacing, like the flash backs, were done very well. I enjoyed the buildup of the plot, and though I knew what was going to happen, it all felt very fresh and new! I also love, just love, Tammara’s writing style. Her prose for the story, the flow, the development, and the characters she created were so well done. I was instantly swept away and I couldn't put this book down once I started!

I definitely suggest that lovers of Easy pick this one up, and if you haven’t read it, please give it a try! Both books are amazing, beautifully told, and deliver a powerful love story that echoes throughout you, and one I adore to pieces.