A review by marmeelovesbook
The Art of Romance by Kaye Dacus


If you are looking for a nice, contemporary, romantic, Christian fiction novel with an artistic flair... and meddling Grandma’s, then this is the book for you. [b:The Art of Romance|8148910|The Art of Romance (The Matchmakers #2)|Kaye Dacus|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1273256079s/8148910.jpg|12948433], by Kaye Dacus starts us out with 2 plotting Grandmas “Sassy” and “Perty”- don’t you love them already?- who have decided that it’s time for a little matchmaking for their respective Grandkids Caylor and Dylan. As these Grandma’s are a part of a larger group called collectively the “matchmakers” (this is Book 2 in The Matchmakers Series), Caylor and Dylan stand no chance. After all these Grandmas are in a race for Great Grandchildren!

This story involves an accomplished and Tenured English Professor and author Caylor Evans and the struggling,in more ways than one, artist Dylan Bradley. Dylan Bradley is coming off of a bad and dominating relationship with an old colleague at a former college in New York and trying to heal from his past mistakes and start over in a whole new place, his home town of Nashville, Tennessee. He is doing this by moving in with his Grandparents to try and get his life back in order. He has a lot of work to do, in terms of his relationship with God, his parents , brothers, etc., because his former relationship was incredibly toxic in his life, not exactly a time to meet someone new and start a relationship. But, in time, they do and there are many hurdles to overcome during this story. A part of the story that I really loved was one involving Dylan and his 3 brothers- they all come together via a Skype type of interlude- and I don’t want to spoil it, but- I just loved how the author incorporated that into the storyline because it is just so “now”. It turns out that Dylan is not the only one with a skeleton in his closet, it appears that Caylor has one of her own. So both of them need to be honest and have “some esplainin' to do”( Imagine Ricky Ricardo accent here).

I think that Kaye Dacus does a nice job of taking her characters on a journey where they truly do grow and change. They are not perfect people, some more flawed than others, but with God’s help trying to change and grow and become all that they are meant to be. I just think it brings hope to show the process and how they change, as opposed to,” they are perfect from the beginning and have it all together all the time”. Kaye Dacus always throws some cute humor in her characters as well, which makes it fun to read. It’s also a pretty sweet love story with just the perfect ending. So, if you’re in the mood for that sweet Contemporary Christian Romance- then I think you’ll enjoy this book. And the moral of the story- always listen to your Grandma.

Disclosure-I was graciously provided with a digital copy of “The Art of Romance” by the publisher, Barbour Books through the Netgalley program. The opinions I expressed are my own and I was not obligated to write a positive review .