A review by k_shoupe
Baby, Drive South by Stephanie Bond


Dnf at 50%. I so wanted to enjoy this book. I love the idea of rebuilding a town as a premise for a romance series. This was so contrived and fell so flat. I had to double check what year it was written. Nikki had the potential to be an awesome powerhouse of a character (I mean, a 21st century physician who leaves home to to become a doctor to a rural/primitive town—what’s not to love). Instead she spend the majority of the story bemoaning (or moaning about how she does not bemoan) her level of attractiveness (or lack thereof). Porter, who again had so much potential was at best an ass. And at worst a kidnapper. The extra women in the town were portrayed as the most stereotypical worst case females on earth. They knew they were moving to a town in progress—yet they expected restaurants and vegan food and apparently to never have to work again??
Finally, I’m all for suspending belief for the fun of a good story. However...we’re supposed to believe that they built a “boarding house” that houses 100 woman with individual rooms and bathrooms. That’s like a massive hotel. They did it with little to no resources and in a few months? And seriously, saying “god bless you” is not a ‘southern thing’, so there’s no way a grown woman is surprised to hear it.