A review by poverbaugh
High Price: A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know about Drugs and Society by Carl L. Hart


I read this as a follow up to “Chasing the Scream” and they are both well worth the read, especially if you may not know that much about drug policy in the US. This is an excellent book about Dr Hart’s life - his journey from under privileged youth to tenured, Ivy League Professor and doctor researching addiction. His experiences and research are a must read for anyone wanting to learn more about how society demonizes addicts and how most drug policies are based on anecdotal evidence rather than actual science. Basically, for the past hundred years, certain drugs are demonized because a marginalized group is the stereotype for using said drugs, and then strict drug related policies are created around this (crack cocaine, Meth). His research shows that most of what we (as in the typical American) are fed from the news and media is way overblown and we should revise these policies to treat addicts with actual help instead of punishment. Please please please read this book!!!!