A review by fromjesstoyou
In the Air Tonight by Lori Handeland


"5 out of 5 stars! A little over four hundred years ago, while being burned at the stake two witches (a husband and wife) do one final spell that sends their triplet baby daughters into time in hopes of finding a place when witchcraft won’t be a crime and they’ll be “safe.” The spell works ….

Throughout her life, Raye (Rachel) has been able to see and speak to ghosts. However, when she was five year old, and overheard her adopted father talk about how he didn’t like it and wanted to “send her back,” she learned that talking to ghosts wasn’t normal and did everything in her power to stop. Now at the age of twenty-seven she might still hide her “gift” but knows that it won’t go away.

One-day Raye’s “normal” life suddenly changes when a unique murder happens downtown and homicide detective Bobby (Robert) rushes into her life. In some ways things go from bad to worse while in others things get better but as sparks start to fly between Bobby and Raye other forces try to keep them apart, can they work things out between each other or will their pasts mess up what they want for their futures?

This unexpected paranormal thriller hooked me with Raye’s sarcastic personality, its fun witty plot, its suspenseful ways, and the growing relationship that Bobby & Raye share. Spectacular!"

Read more of my review and THREE TEASERS here: http://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot.com/2015/06/idolizing-in-sisters-of-craft-series.html