A review by ishkhan
Batman & Robin, Vol. 2: Batman vs. Robin by Grant Morrison


Here is my beef. Damian is very well written as a kid who has lost several trusted adult figures in his life and is terrified about keeping his place in the world. I think 1. being the heir to the League of Assassins and 2. leaving his mom at age 10 and becoming the heir to Bruce "emotions? no way. Work First Always" Wayne and 3. Bruce dying months later, are more than enough to explain that. So the Talia characterization (how to call it...retcon? character assassination?) came out of absolutely nowhere and was so unnecessary.

Guess I have to read 2011 Batman and Robin for a slightly better Talia and Damian relationship. Morrison hates Talia so much that they've driven me to the New 52. That's how bad it is. Anyway. At least the art is better here mashallah!

Love Batwoman! Love Dick and Damian as always.