A review by magpie_666
Consumed by David Cronenberg


Wow, what an absolute mess. I give books until page 50 before I 'DNF' them, but this was a struggle getting that far.

I have enjoyed the Cronenberg films that I've seen and I thought this would be an interesting read, and I was wrong.

The first page didn't even make sense! I asked my other half to read it, just in case I was getting mixed up but he thought the same as me.

And I assume this book was sponsored by Nikon, and Photoshop? There are so many product placement pieces in the book that it becomes a distraction. I assume this is needed in film scripts so the director knows what things are needed, but it really doesn't work in a book.

I was going to attempt to skim read the rest of it, because I enjoy his films, but I just can't.

There are too many good books out there waiting for me to read them, so this one is on the DNF pile. If anyone wants my copy I'm happy to purge my house of it.