A review by audioandereadergrrly
The Handbook of the Writer Secret Society by Carrie Bailey, Clark Brooks, Tony Noland, L. Bushman, Andy Livingstone, Winonah Drake, J.J. McConnachie, Rob Hines


Like all other secret societies, the Writer Secret Society has enemies. Enemies like Edere. They may try to censor this review. I only hope you read this in time.

This short, 65-page e-book is the handbook for any writers belonging to the Writer Secret Society. The handbook details the inner workings of a writer’s world in an entertaining form. While reading it, I felt as if I were a kid again playing pretend. Only this time, it wasn’t really pretend. Now they’re after me, and I must keep writing. It is the only way.

The book was penned by multiple authors, and together the initiation can begin. Some memorable quotes include:

“For while writing is solitary, writers need not be.”

“We become what we believe we are.”

“No one can validate a writer and so, no one can invalidate them.”

The content was so well-developed and in-character that I could easily overlook the minor spelling and grammatical errors and the repetition of a chapter.

The secrets contained in this e-tome are invaluable to the writer’s cause. To join the Writer Secret Society, you must read this book and take the oath. Are you with me?

I hope you got all that. May we meet soon, at the next Consumption of the Liquids. We will know each other by the handshake and the color of the ink. Long live the nameless society of writers! But tell no one.