A review by paperbacksandpines
Clothes-Pegs by Susan Scarlett, Noel Streatfeild


This book was my first introduction to Susan Scarlett and I appreciated the book for what it was. If you're in the mood for a light, fluffy romance, this book hits the spot. I enjoyed the airiness of her writing and a quickly moving plot.

In terms of cons, I really didn't appreciate the misogyny of the leading male character. I will say that his thoughts and words were representative of the time this story was written but they were hard to overlook. Lord David de Bett assumed the position of an elder teacher to Annabel and she never questioned it. When he got mad at her, he called her a "silly little fool" and compared his past love to an orchid and her to a "simple" cowslip. I don't know if being compared to a cowslip was considered a compliment but if someone used the word "simple" to describe me, those would be fighting words.

All this being said, I could appreciate this book for what it was and I'd be interested in reading more from Scarlett.