A review by mehsi
Cheater Code by S.A. Foxe


I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review!

Oh boy, I saw this cover and just had to click on read now as I had to have it. Boy oh boy, the first pages were immediately action. fans herself That really set the tone to what the book would give us, and I love it (though I wasn’t fan of the cheating, but I meant the detailed sex parts).

I felt sad for our MC. He comes home from work only to find the love of his life, the guy he has been with for 6 years, having sex in the kitchen with another man. My heart instantly broke for this guy. And I wanted to kick his boyfriend in the nuts. Sorry, but if you don’t have those feelings for someone BE FUCKING honest and don’t FUCK around (literally in this case :P).
While I am happy that his boyfriend talked, I hated his excuses. Why not have talked about these feelings sooner? If you wanted more sex? Talk. If you wanted to do more exercising with your lover? TALK. If you felt your relationship was in a fucking rut, again TALK. Good lord.